Social Network Google +, even in a beta stage, the hurricane broke into the life of the advanced users, so do not be surprised that this interest is a social network, including a web designers, developers, and seo optimizers .This interest is big enough and keep "warmed up" the developers of Google, who continually improve the draft and added integration with their other services. For example, among SEOs popular buttons and icons Google + that allow you to add a "1" for your site or page.
But it is not "a" single, in the last year the appearance of Google + dictating fashion and other services of Google, who have undergone a change of design and visual style. The common element of many projects include a stylish menu at the top of the page, like icons, buttons and indeed many different elements that can be found in all the projects - from mail to Gmail Google Reader. Today I present to you heed an interesting set of buttons in the style of Google +, found on the website This kit is not just a social network icons Google +, but rather by a framework which allows to add a button from the interface of Google + on your site.

See how the demo button Google +, download these icons and read the documentation for installing them can onthis page . First, you, of course. can simply say these nice minimalistic icons for various actions, situations, order to use in your design or website. A more advanced version - the connection framework (scripts) for use via css Styles icons easily and quickly.
Installing Google + buttons
Complete and detailed instructions can be found on the link above - there are different options and usage examples. I just look at the installation process + one of the options use the buttons after you have downloaded the appropriate archive.

Thus, the order of installation:
A. Place the css file and images in the root directory of the site, well, or to where you are the styles for the template.
Two. "Connect" style sheet to do this, add a link to the code of the form (add anywhere between <head> and </ head>):
< link rel = "stylesheet" href = "css/css3-buttons.css" type = "text / CSS" Media = "screen" >3. Then connect the plug and the jQuery TipTip appropriate stylesheet (added anywhere between <head> and </ head>):
<! - Using jQuery plugin TipTip for the tooltips ->4. If you need dropdown (dropdown) menu, and add:
< link rel = "stylesheet" href = "tiptip.css" type = "text / CSS" Media = "screen" >
< script src = "http:// " > </ script >
< script src = "jquery.tiptip.js" > </ script >
< script >
$ ( document ) . Ready ( function ( ) {
/ / Launch TipTip tooltip
$ ( '. tiptip a.button,. tiptip button' ) . tipTip ( ) ;
} ) ;
</ script>
$(document).ready(function() {
// Toggle the dropdown menu's
$(".dropdown .button, .dropdown button").click(function () {
return false;
}); // END document.ready
// Close open dropdown slider/s by clicking elsewhwere on page
$(document).bind('click', function (e) {
if ( != $('.dropdown').attr('class')) {
}); // END document.bind

Add ... the code:
<a href="#" class="button left"><span class="label">Left</span></a>That is the framework through all the buttons you can display Google + via css and html by simple steps. Other examples of using buttons in the style of Google + can be found in the documentation to which I referred earlier. In principle there is nothing difficult, and the result is a very cute and stylish - especially, I think it will be important for the development of some vnutrikoprorativnyh sites where the buttons are used to interface the system.
<a href="#" class="button middle"><span class="label">Middle</span></a>
<a href="#" class="button right"><span class="label">Right</span></a>
<a href="#" class="button left"><span class="icon icon63"></span></a>
<a href="#" class="button middle"><span class="icon icon58"></span></a>
<a href="#" class="button right"><span class="icon icon64"></span></a>
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