60 Seductive Beautiful Advanced Blogs Design
Blogs occupy a large part of the Internet space, and a specialized search tool Technorati, in June 2008 counted 112.8 million blogs. Surprisingly, the fashion for blogging that occurred ten years ago, in 1999, still has not passed. This powerful influx of bloggers, on the one hand, and the innate human curiosity, the desire to know another's view expressed in the comments, on the other hand, explain the high level of attendance of blogs compared to other web sites.
Undoubtedly, the main attraction factor for visitors to the blog - its contents. People read publications to become familiar with blogger commentary on the latest news, current events, his or her life situation, etc. And yet, good design can be remembered by people who make the blog more visible. In addition, bloggers want to stand out among the myriad of fellow blogosphere. Improving the content of the - the question, rather, the theoretical, so get your blog differences from the other through the completion of design easier.
- Design for All

- Gary Nock

- Dew's BLUP
- Best Blog Box

- Design Studio Base6

- Big Bad Collab

- Learning How to Live

- Cosmic Diary

- Hey Indy

- Fritz Quadrata

- I Love Colors

- Leihu

- Nine Lion

- Starcatcher

- Productive Dreams

- Twirk Ethic

- Rin-Wendy

- Tarek Shalaby

- Ali Felski

- Duirwaigh Studios

- Pays Sud Gâtine

- Boompa

- Blogfulbliss

- Bearskinrug

- Assault Blog

- Agami Creative

- Belvoir On For Britain

- Ayaka Ito

- Outlaw Design Blog

- Lord Likely

- WebScienceMan

- SketchBlog

- Rockatee

- The Superest

- Steve Mullen Creative

- Qwert City

- Guns & Donuts

- Getting Crazy

- Hugs For Monsters

- That Indie Dude

- Lewro's Blog
- Le Bloe

- Istok Pavlovic

- Kev Adamson

- Planet Nasendackel

- Marchand de Trucs

- Le Blog De Gruny

- Leffet Crea

- Keven Lupien

- Markup & Style Society

- Brown Blog Films

- Kris Colvin

- Brandonmuth

- Blog What? Design

- Brad Frost Web

- The Darling Tree

- New Era Cap Talk

- Gisele Jaquenod & Birdie

cool templates, thanks for stopping by my blog!!
Wow loads of cool ones I need to spice up my blog thanks!