Thursday, May 17, 2012

Stylish text effect

We offer you a very simple tutorial on creating a vintage inscription to the effect of tisneniya.Takoy text looks very nice and is often used in web design. You can also download styles and icons to help you to create similar effects.Hopefully, the lesson is useful to you.

The final result:

The final result

We need:

Step 1. Create a new document

Create a new document of any size. We have a document of size 1024 * 768px.

Set the foreground color to # b0b19b and background color # 8f9078 , using a tool Radial Gradient , add a gradient fill, having a line from the center to the edge of the document.

Create a new document

On top of this layer is a layer with the texture of old paper , resize, if necessary, set the layer mode to Soft Light (Soft Light).

Go to Filter -> Noise -> Add Noise ( Filter -> Noise -> Add Noise) and set the values ​​as shown below:

Add Noise

Step 2. Add a label

Add text color # 5d5f42 . We will use the font Lobster size of 160pt.

Add a label

Click 2 times on the layer to add the following styles:

The outer shadow (Drop Shadow): Change the blending mode ( Blend Mode) to Normal ( Normal) , Transparency ( Opacity) to 100% , color to # ddd8c2 , distance ( Distance ) at 2 and size ( Size ) in a .

( Note: the more the meaning of the text, the more the set value.)

more the set value

Inner Shadow(Inner Shadow) : Change the color to # 50513b (dark shade), distance ( Distance) to a and the size (Size) in a .

Inner Shadow
This will add depth and create a text effect engraving.

Step 3. Adding Decorations

Create a new layer on top of other layers, change the blending mode ( Blend Mode) to Multiply ( Multiply). Set the color # b1a77e , using a fine brush , add a few decorations.

Double click the new layer and set it the following styles:

The outer shadow ( Drop Shadow): Change the blending mode ( Blend Mode) to normal ( Normal) , Transparency ( Opacity) to 100% , color to # ddd8c2 , distance (Distance) at 2 and size ( Size ) in a .

Adding Decorations

Inner Shadow (Inner Shadow): Change the color to # 635b3a (darker shade of color brush), distance (Distance) to a and the size ( Size ) in a .

Inner Shadow

We must have the following result:

We must have the following result

Download the PSD-source


A. Styles for the text to the effect of stamping (available in formats asl and psd).


Reference to the source | Download

Two. Icons with the effect of stamping in the psd-format . You can use it absolutely free of charge for your projects .

stamping in the psd-format

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