Collected here are 10 very interesting and useful tips for designers . They are somewhat harsh and provocative. Many may seem to be too dogmatic. So I want to remind you that this is only one opinion, even authoritative. Do not try on all the advice blindly. Look at these boards that is suitable to you.
A. Do not credit a non-existing strengths
in a time when you have the opportunity to get prospective client, it is tempting to imagine yourself in a better light than it actually is, and give yourself a pair of imaginary virtues. For example, add a few years to his seniority or designer promise cosmic time order fulfillment. Ultimately, your little lies will bring you much more harm than good. So, be honest in what you are doing really well.

Two. Do not underestimate or overestimate yourself
setting prices for their services, must be very careful in choosing prices. It would be nice to have a preliminary study. You can ask around your friends or colleagues on the shop floor, and to potential customers, too, can try to find out. Because, if the price would be too high, it will choose your competitor, and if too low, it is not profitable for yourself, and customers may find that it's not really professional.

Three. Do not think you are better versed in the design of all
perhaps, the most common error is a freelance designer. Even if you've done a dozen major projects, and really good - it's not a reason to perk up and build from a design guru.It is important to keep your mind open. This means the ability to listen to constructive criticism, to objectively assess themselves and their dignity and capacity for self-development.

4. Do not let the inaccuracies and lack of specificity
Too many things can go wrong because the time has not been negotiated with the client.You should always know exactly on time, your salary and that of you want to get the customer. All important things are to be agreed and negotiated with the customer. In the process works best stay in constant communication with the customer to potential misunderstandings have been corrected before, not after.

Five. Do not be fooled by customer expectations
biggest trouble for a designer - to do something totally client does not match their expectations and ideas about what he would like to hear from you. If a client wanted a green horse, paint it green. If it is too bad, then the client will agree to change the color to another. But to insure themselves against such excesses, follow the previous advice and frequently check with the client.

6. Not to disrupt the timing of orders
Violation of the terms does not necessarily mean failure of the project. But in your best interest to plan everything quite clearly. Also, do not settle for too short time. Think twice before you set a date for delivery of customer orders. Plus, it is desirable to throw on day two, just in case. Also remember that the customer will always prefer to wait a little time than to get an unfinished project. If you do a little ahead of time - let it be a surprise to the customer.

7. Do not work under the scheme 24/7
Plan time to rest. And many designers are gaining a lot of beginners, and then the orders are under the yoke of unrealistic obligations and excessive loads. After that, some are no longer able to function normally within a few days or even weeks. Moreover, it is very important to pay attention to other aspects of your life besides work. Ultimately, proper rest is always a positive effect on the quality of work.

Eight. Do not be misled by working on a freelance
Many people believe that being a freelancer - it is something very easy and relaxing. That does not require a lot of work that you can work all you want and when you want. Some truth in this. However, this is not a resort. In order to succeed and will work hard and be disciplined, and sometimes sacrifice something.

9. Do not be too hard on themselves
at the same time, we should not be too harsh with yourself. Of course, sometimes you have to work harder than we would like, but we need time for yourself, too, for your own leisure. It is important to feel job satisfaction and self-confidence, and then a good mood and good spirits will be a reward for quality work done.

10. Do not confuse the professional and friendly relations.
This is a very delicate moment. By entering into new relationships with people important to always remain professional. You should not talk to the client about another client, do not mix work and leisure. Otherwise, you may find yourself embroiled in a very difficult relationship, which ultimately will weigh on you. It is important to very clearly separate customer relationships - from friendships singer. Although it is possible that some of the customers and become your friend.

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A. Do not credit a non-existing strengths
in a time when you have the opportunity to get prospective client, it is tempting to imagine yourself in a better light than it actually is, and give yourself a pair of imaginary virtues. For example, add a few years to his seniority or designer promise cosmic time order fulfillment. Ultimately, your little lies will bring you much more harm than good. So, be honest in what you are doing really well.

Two. Do not underestimate or overestimate yourself
setting prices for their services, must be very careful in choosing prices. It would be nice to have a preliminary study. You can ask around your friends or colleagues on the shop floor, and to potential customers, too, can try to find out. Because, if the price would be too high, it will choose your competitor, and if too low, it is not profitable for yourself, and customers may find that it's not really professional.

Three. Do not think you are better versed in the design of all
perhaps, the most common error is a freelance designer. Even if you've done a dozen major projects, and really good - it's not a reason to perk up and build from a design guru.It is important to keep your mind open. This means the ability to listen to constructive criticism, to objectively assess themselves and their dignity and capacity for self-development.

4. Do not let the inaccuracies and lack of specificity
Too many things can go wrong because the time has not been negotiated with the client.You should always know exactly on time, your salary and that of you want to get the customer. All important things are to be agreed and negotiated with the customer. In the process works best stay in constant communication with the customer to potential misunderstandings have been corrected before, not after.

Five. Do not be fooled by customer expectations
biggest trouble for a designer - to do something totally client does not match their expectations and ideas about what he would like to hear from you. If a client wanted a green horse, paint it green. If it is too bad, then the client will agree to change the color to another. But to insure themselves against such excesses, follow the previous advice and frequently check with the client.

6. Not to disrupt the timing of orders
Violation of the terms does not necessarily mean failure of the project. But in your best interest to plan everything quite clearly. Also, do not settle for too short time. Think twice before you set a date for delivery of customer orders. Plus, it is desirable to throw on day two, just in case. Also remember that the customer will always prefer to wait a little time than to get an unfinished project. If you do a little ahead of time - let it be a surprise to the customer.

7. Do not work under the scheme 24/7
Plan time to rest. And many designers are gaining a lot of beginners, and then the orders are under the yoke of unrealistic obligations and excessive loads. After that, some are no longer able to function normally within a few days or even weeks. Moreover, it is very important to pay attention to other aspects of your life besides work. Ultimately, proper rest is always a positive effect on the quality of work.

Eight. Do not be misled by working on a freelance
Many people believe that being a freelancer - it is something very easy and relaxing. That does not require a lot of work that you can work all you want and when you want. Some truth in this. However, this is not a resort. In order to succeed and will work hard and be disciplined, and sometimes sacrifice something.

9. Do not be too hard on themselves
at the same time, we should not be too harsh with yourself. Of course, sometimes you have to work harder than we would like, but we need time for yourself, too, for your own leisure. It is important to feel job satisfaction and self-confidence, and then a good mood and good spirits will be a reward for quality work done.

10. Do not confuse the professional and friendly relations.
This is a very delicate moment. By entering into new relationships with people important to always remain professional. You should not talk to the client about another client, do not mix work and leisure. Otherwise, you may find yourself embroiled in a very difficult relationship, which ultimately will weigh on you. It is important to very clearly separate customer relationships - from friendships singer. Although it is possible that some of the customers and become your friend.

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