Monday, May 21, 2012

Optimize conversion rates: all about usability

Usability is of great importance for the performance conversion to electronic commerce. However, usability does not only mean better visual guide or better site hierarchy.It also means more contact with a potential buyer through professionally made significant design, presenting the correct information when you need it. This communication with users, instead of throwing their advertising slogans.

In this article you'll learn what to look for in the preparation of high-quality original pages for their goods, as a visitor to pay attention to the most important sections of your site and how you can use videos and user evaluation in order to improve conversion rates.

Professional design inspires confidence

The most important rule for the usability of the website reads: "The simpler - the better" . Let the links speak for themselves. Make the site structure clear. Let the feedback will be visible, and her work - to understand. Let stay on the site will be comfortable, and the opportunity to make a mistake - is reduced to a minimum.

But while these (quite obvious) advice and help readers better understand the site in its work, they do not necessarily lead to a rise in sales. In addition, you may have certain goals that can not be combined with the notion of simplicity. Most likely, the most important - it is complementary and cross-selling.

Be worthy of trust

When it comes to consumer confidence to call your business, professional, solid design is crucial. People do not tend to trust the online business, so you should be confident that look serious and credible. Inkd.comachieves this as follows: professional appearance, a solid model based on a grid, and adherence to classical rules of usability.
Optimize conversion rates: all about usability

What would you do on your site, do not forget that you must control what happens . This is true for experienced users who will use the internal search to quickly get to the products that interest them. They may need some way to handle the search results. The same goes for novice users, who should all be clear on the home page, as they will most likely be used to navigate a set of basic commands.

If the user has attracted advertising a particular product, you have only one thing - send it directly to a page with this product. Click Next to bring customers directly to the purchase page. By the way, why trash, if the buyer wants to buy just one item? Cart is completely useless and creates the need for additional action in the sales process. And with each additional action increases the risk that the buyer refuses to buy.

Based on practical experience: if the user has found the goods on the internal search, it does not have to click two more times to find the necessary information about a product.

Provide the information you need when you need it

If we talk about information, another important rule is: provide information when you need it (information about a product, delivery, and the risks associated with credit card security, privacy, and everything else). You must provide the user with a large amount of information, so you need to sort it in order of importance.

Optimize conversion rates: all about usability

This is very important - to provide information when you need it. "Risovalka" Scribbles : Before a user enters any information he has already informed of the payment options, privacy, and purchasing opportunities for training purposes. Although both references to confidentiality and studies could be made ​​visible.

The user may have questions at any stage of the buying process. Focus on answers to these questions, let them be visible on the page. Additional useful information can be "hidden" for the hyperlink (as "training" link in the above example Scribbles).

Do not advertise, and help users

Careful selection of graphic elements of information. They should not look like advertising. People tend to skip those parts of the pages that look like advertisements. Of course, you can illustrate the benefits of their product images big - really big pictures. Jakob Nielsen even recommends using a full screen view: "If I click on the image of the goods, it means that I want to see a larger image. And since I clicked on the picture, I could well wait until the big picture is loaded. I just can not, I will wait, despite the long load times. "

The notion of simplicity means that the designers in the development of the store, you must be very careful with the experiments on new technologies such as AJAX and numerous Internet applications to the base Flash. If you use them, then you need to test the practicality of the site. Studies clearly show that many are still far from all of these functions such as drag and drop and do not know the meaning of words such as "tagging."

Optimize conversion rates: all about usability


Design Newsberry very attractive. However, readers have problems with a view to immediately subscribe to the service - the user needs time to find a discreet modest button "subscribe". How much time do you need to find it? Perhaps, in this case it would be appropriate to make this button more pronounced.

Optimize conversion rates: all about usability

Careful selection of graphic elements of information. They should not look like advertising. An example of successful use: Five Simple Steps

Five Simple Steps Mark Bolton - excellent work done to attract users' attention to the options of purchase. And while there is not a hint of advertising. Visibility of the sales process is achieved solely through visual design and layout.

We return to issues that arise with customers. Spillage on the original page one of the basic questions: "What next?" Look at what is in the network. You'll find thousands of shops that are either hidden their button order, or gave them the dubious title. For example, a German shop Werbemittelguide combines the concept of "order or request a proposal" on one button. Since the user will understand the difference between a direct order and request proposals, it is not very wise - to place two different things side by side on a single button. In this particular case, click the button only sends the goods to your shopping cart. And the basket is placed in the lower left corner - a real mockery of the user.

Highlight of the site: "What is important," and using the right language

Go to the site , second look, and then close your eyes. Re-open them for a second and then close again. What do you notice? A large picture on the left with the goods? Report time? A huge orange button order? The button read: "Order Now" - a couple of years ago, many web designers believed that it was disgusting and outdated. Today it is - the last word in design.

"Clearly explain the man that he should do next," - says an American expert on e-commerce, Peter Blackshaw. What works in online sales, is also true to download PDF documents and any other form of conversion. Make the most important option to the most prominent. Links "Learn", "more" and "Specifications" is also very important, but less important than the conversion. They are displayed in smaller type, or not so bright in color.

U.S. Agency MarketingExperiments verified by experience how much the correct wording affect conversion rates . They tested his own company, whose aim was to bring the reader to pay for a subscription. Each individual element of the company's mail-was tested. Button, which hampered the conversion, was called "The continuation of this," and at first she had to work just fine. Test results surprised even seasoned experts. Conversion of a button, renamed the "continue anyway" was 3.3% higher than the previous one. A third option "Click to continue" More like 10% of users separately.

Optimize conversion rates: all about usability

Al Carlton doubled sales of its website after it began using the button in the style of Amazon.

Video - the most simple solution to the problem

Becoming the norm to include video in product description and a page with the product, so it can be seen in action. In Germany, about 60% of retailers surveyed BVDW said they plan to intensify their efforts with the video.

Sold bike invites sales agents of all brands in the new studio, designed specifically for the production of videos for the site. Sales agents were instructed to explain why their products are better than others. Many brands sent to stand in front of the camera, not only sales agents, but also the winners of the competition and World Champions. Some retailers may argue that their product is not suitable for video. But the product that is already advertising with online video today more and more.

Optimize conversion rates: all about usability
Both the , ..
Optimize conversion rates: all about usability

And ...  use impressive video blocks on the home page. Video is often used to describe the essence of the product, and what are the benefits of its use to the buyer.

It is important to understand that the  video does not necessarily have to be done in the studio with a huge budget.  In many cases, a simple non-professional video work. It may even be better than traditional advertising video, because it looks more honest. Sites that promote new concepts, such as , try to combine sites around the video output, and users can vote for which videos they like most.

Wonderful idea was used Pleo, a company that sells something like an electronic pet that looks like a dinosaur. Representatives of the Pleo were wandering the streets of cities, along with dinosaurs and filmed how people react to it. One can hardly get a more sincere and natural advertising.

And do not let yourself be fooled, today there is only one format for online video -  Flash . Only Flash allows you to embed high quality video on a Web page and integrate with other elements of the page. With the success of YouTube's, many users can play Flash videos. A video production is not too expensive, even if it was ordered by the agency.

Do not underestimate the importance of user ratings and reviews buyers

Today it is - the number one issue. In the tourism industry of about  60% of all travelers make decisions based on reviews found online.  They study the evaluation of sites to select the most suitable vacation spots and hotels. They are interested in unbiased opinions, free from flirting marketing companies themselves. Such sites can be found for electronics and other goods.

This raises two questions:

Should the shop owners to create their own system of evaluation?
What should I do if the goods are criticized?
The first question is very simple. In most cases, this is "No". And there are many reasons. The most important of them - no one trader is not credible. People will realize that behind each recommendation is commercial interest. To support such a system requires a decent money and effort. Only very large sites, which attract many visitors, can provide a useful assessment system. If the site owner decided to create its own system, you need to make an assessment of exactly where users expect to see it - near the goods.

Take as an example of  Thomas Cook Travel Take . After a long search, he created his own scoring system users, which now represents a major filter for the internal search. An external system, as  (or ) might be the best solution. Idealo collect ratings from multiple sites and combines them with tests and reviews, websites and magazines. The system itself is neutral, as some sellers can not change the content.

Optimize conversion rates: all about usability

The second question is also difficult to answer, but the consequences can be serious. Once on the site sounds critic of the company is better to leave it in the system (unless, of course, there is not offensive and does not violate the laws) . So experts advise. This is - a very volatile issue for marketers and their suppliers, manufacturers and brands. All those who work for mutual success. If you are faced with such criticism, redirect its stakeholders and give him the opportunity to respond to it.

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