Many novices blogs are wondering. What is a Blog?
Definition of the blog:
First must check, here are a few definitions from other much wiser people to get us started:
Definition of the blog:
First must check, here are a few definitions from other much wiser people to get us started:
The blog , called by a contraction of Web Log (web diary in English), is a personal website in which one or more authors publish over time of the items (posts also call or tickets), organized into categories and displayed in the order reverse chronological . Blog visitors can then comment on the content of articles.
The blog is essentially personal : unlike forums, where each user is on an equal footing in relation to the publication of content, the blog allows a user (the author, also called blogger or blogger) to present their ideas to the world. Sometimes, however, several authors come together to publish articles around a theme even in a common blog.
The interface of blogs
Around the concept of blog have been created or been ratachées many features to facilitate usability and user interaction, in addition to traditional features available in web pages.
The categories are generic themes in which the author frequently publishes articles. You can view all items in a given category.
The pages provide functionality to the blog closer to a website: unlike articles, they are not displayed in reverse chronological order but apart from the rest of the articles. The pages are typically used to publish static information (contact the author for example) as opposed to items with respect to time and date of publication is more pronounced.
The BlogRoll is a list of links, usually located in the menu bar of the blog, and is pointing to sites of other bloggers, to be popular reference sites of the author.
The backlinks or trackbacks are a system that allows a blog to notify another that a reference was made to one of his articles in the blog. When this system is supported by the platform, it allows a reader to see the reviews from other bloggers on the same subject as initially discussed by the first author.
Blogs are a massive use of son or feeds RSS , which can generate a résumédu content to be published in aggregate energy an RSS aggregator.
Want to try? Create your blog now!
The blog , called by a contraction of Web Log (web diary in English), is a personal website in which one or more authors publish over time of the items (posts also call or tickets), organized into categories and displayed in the order reverse chronological . Blog visitors can then comment on the content of articles.
The blog is essentially personal : unlike forums, where each user is on an equal footing in relation to the publication of content, the blog allows a user (the author, also called blogger or blogger) to present their ideas to the world. Sometimes, however, several authors come together to publish articles around a theme even in a common blog.
The interface of blogs
Around the concept of blog have been created or been ratachées many features to facilitate usability and user interaction, in addition to traditional features available in web pages.
The categories are generic themes in which the author frequently publishes articles. You can view all items in a given category.
The pages provide functionality to the blog closer to a website: unlike articles, they are not displayed in reverse chronological order but apart from the rest of the articles. The pages are typically used to publish static information (contact the author for example) as opposed to items with respect to time and date of publication is more pronounced.
The BlogRoll is a list of links, usually located in the menu bar of the blog, and is pointing to sites of other bloggers, to be popular reference sites of the author.
The backlinks or trackbacks are a system that allows a blog to notify another that a reference was made to one of his articles in the blog. When this system is supported by the platform, it allows a reader to see the reviews from other bloggers on the same subject as initially discussed by the first author.
Blogs are a massive use of son or feeds RSS , which can generate a résumédu content to be published in aggregate energy an RSS aggregator.
Want to try? Create your blog now!