
But it is important that we realize every aspect of our identity online should be designed in a clean and intuitive way with whatever style you prefer. This elusive aspect of web work is something we should constantly strive for. And yes, that includes the time we spend working with blogs.
A lot of the time blogs get lost in the shuffle because we think of them as massive ‘text dumps’ when it comes to information architecture, and that certainly is one aspect to their identity, but they have more potential than that.
Some blogs, when designed properly, are great for displaying our stream of thoughts as well as some portfolio information, while others are great for displaying both news and photography.
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If you follow Photoshop development news, you may have noticed that over the past few weeks they’ve been releasing sneak peek videos on their YouTube account for Photoshop CS6.
The newest version of Photoshop, slated for release later this year, is going to include some really spectacular new features, including a slightly redesigned default interface.
Each video released has given us a look at a different new feature, presented by the project development team.
Considering that a majority of designers out there use Photoshop, we decided to take a closer look at the features they’ve discussed so far. Read more
Popular Posts
26 Feb
Our favorite tweets of the week
Feb 20-Feb 26, 2012
Best Of, Compilation, Twitter

The best way to keep track of our tweets is simply to follow us on Twitter, however, in case you missed some here’s a quick and useful compilation of the best tweets that we sent out this past week.
Note that this is only a very small selection of the links that we tweeted about, so don’t miss out.
To keep up to date with all the cool links, simply follow us @DesignerDepot Read more
25 Feb

Every week we feature a set of comics created exclusively for WDD.
The content revolves around web design, blogging and funny situations that we encounter in our daily lives as designers.
These great cartoons are created by Jerry King, an award-winning cartoonist who’s one of the most published, prolific and versatile cartoonists in the world today.
So for a few moments, take a break from your daily routine, have a laugh and enjoy these funny cartoons.
Feel free to leave your comments and suggestions below as well as any related stories of your own… Read more
24 Feb

Content strategy has increasingly become a part of the web design conversation and in large part due to Kristina Halvorson, who has become a noted content advocate and activist.
Kristina is the founder and president of Brain Traffic, an agency specializing in content strategy and writing for the web, author of the groundbreaking book, Content Strategy for the Web, and a frequent speaker at web design conferences worldwide. Over the past months, she and co-author, Melissa Rach, have been hard at work on the second edition of the book which is due out on New Riders in February 2012.
Kristina took time out of her busy schedule to talk with us about the evolving world of content strategy.
We thank Kristina for this insightful interview and invite WDD readers to join in the content strategy conversation. Read more
23 Feb

Mobile Internet usage is on the rise, and the world of Web design continues to evolve—so designers must learn to accomodate mobile devices. Thinking “Oh, my users won’t visit my website on a mobile device” is the worst mistake of all.
No one can stop mobile usage from increasing, and the odds are that every website will receive visitors on mobile devices. So, the best strategy is to be as prepared as possible.
Just thinking about mobile users isn’t enough to address the situation. Many mistakes are still committed during the process, and knowing what they are is the first step in effectively avoiding them in future projects.
The following are the most common mistakes on mobile websites.
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22 Feb

When it comes to designing a new web site, most beginning and unaware designers only care about how amazing the site will be.
Often times as designers, we can take off with a crazy idea for a site design and it ends up jam packed with design on top of design on top of design. Unfortunately, some of us don’t always consider one of the most important purposes of the site: to be found so that it can deliver content.
I mean, let’s be honest. How many people are putting up web sites just for the sake of putting up web sites? Not many.
And aside from having some great promotional strategy, the best way to get your web site discovered is through optimizing that site for the big search engines like Yahoo! or Google.
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